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Coleman PLLC

Leader and innovator in protecting privacy rights through class actions.




Privacy Rights


We protect consumers from companies who violate consumer's privacy rights.

If a corporation has experienced a data breach, we will take action to protect your data and fight for you right to receive compensation.

Unfair Business Practices


We protect consumers from corporations that exhibit unfair and deceptive business practices. 


Product Defects


Oftentimes, in the rush to sell products, corporations are negligent in ensuring that the product itself matches what they claim to be selling and is free of product defects.

We help consumers recover money from companies if a product is defective, or doesn't work as advertised.



We enforce the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in ensuring that corporations abide by the law when calling consumers. 

This includes phone calls, text messages and faxes. If a consumer's rights are being violated, we will take action.

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